A Bot With Various Powerfull Features

Bot Features


Get Your Work Done Faster , Quick Response ! Lightning fast!


Data Is Fully Secured No Need To Think More About It.

Happy Users

Its A Fun , Many Utility Commands Which Make Brings More Happiness To Your Server!


Total Servers


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All Commands

*help - see all bot comands
*setbanlog = Set mentioned channel as logs channel
*ban - Ban's the mentioned user
*lock - Lock the mentioned channel
*unlock - Unlock the locked channel
*mute - Mutes the mentioned user as per given time
*unmute - Unmutes the mentioned user if he/she is muted
*kick - Kick's the mentioned user

*purge - Advance purge command
*nuke - Nukes the channel
*calc - Does calculation of given values
*poll - Create a poll like dyno bot
*userinfo - Give information of mentioned user
*serverinfo - Gives server information
*avatar - Gives avatar/profile picture of mentioned user

*social like kiss,hug,tickle,slap,bite,etc
*love - calculate love between you and mentioned user.
*meme - tons of memes daily updated
*tweet - Tweet's the given message
*hack - Does hack prank with mentioned user
*penis - Fun command like Dank Memer

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